Friday, February 20, 2009

This ride is really fun

Hillary rocked my world today. Wow. I was so proud of her, and impressed, and excited about her new gig. I laughed out loud when they played Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man when she walked out onto the stage. That piece had always embodied MEN and male energy for me, in a ridiculous flaunting way. She gave a lecture on women's empowerment, which was of course appropriate at the largest women's university here (and apparently in the world. But don't quote me on that; I heard it from her). Then there was a Q&A, which was embarrassing to me b/c it was mostly questions about love, marriage, balancing family and career, life choices, going to a women's college, and being taken seriously by male heads of state. There was only one question on policy. But I suppose it's to be expected in this country, at this school, which still grooms women to become ideal wives.

What struck me most, besides how freaking AMAZING she looked, was how happy she seemed. No, more like, how she has gotten to a really good place in her life and career. She is so good at what she does, so skillful, so articulate, so intelligent, so good at hearing what people say and responding directly and elegantly, so poised, so comfortable in her own skin. It made me realize that my frantic mad grasping could be toned down a little, b/c I don't have to worry about getting there NOW. I'll be lucky if I get there when I'm in my 60s. But it gives me so much to look forward to - all the growth, adventures, incredible challenges, heartbreak, maturity, and coming out the other end with a brilliant smile. Even if it's all just part of the game, she plays it so well that I don't care. I just love being around smart, passionate, good-with-people people.

Granted, today was like one huge Oprah session (she even said that she felt more like an advice columnist than a secretary of state), but she still handled it like a pro. We even got to gawk at the Korean female astronaut in the audience. She spoke directly to the things that matter to me and where I am now, telling us to do what we love, what gives our life meaning, when we worry about what contribution we can make to the world. I waited over two hours for her entrance and spun paper the entire time. Right on track.

Afterwards, I had a fun lunch w/Esther and Stephanie, both Fulbright researchers, and then tea. Esther ran off but I got super quality time w/Stephanie (while spinning and undoing my entire day's load of 80 cords) and then we shivered off to dinner. I had a late but lovely phone convo w/Chunhwa's friend Ashok and now I am, again, overflowing. Perhaps it IS all written, that this is how things will go for me (I even got a call before the town hall mtg started from my joomchi teacher who wants to include my work in a traveling show). Whatever it is, I'm not complaining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know, i ended up seeing a good part of the talk on TV out in the countryside. OMG what was up with those questions? i thought they screened people for these types of events!
