I ran errands like a fiend today in the POURING rain. But now I know the place down the hill is totally going to be my print & copy shop - I spent less than 50 cents there and was treated like royalty, green tea and all. I love customer service in this country. I met an old friend from elementary school - she was born in Korea but spent 3 years in NY while her dad was on business - and her 5-month-old son. The last time I saw her was nearly 10 years ago, when she was still in school. Now she's a wife, a mom, and a radiologist. I had no idea how much her time in the US affected her and shaped her values. In some ways, she is very American. It made me think a lot about in-between existences on a continuum that supports an endless combination of life experiences, though most are invisible to each other.
Then I met a much newer friend for tea and dinner in the same neighborhood, which is also where my parents lived nearly 10 years ago. I was amazed at how well we were able to communicate in our non-dominant languages. She told me that I have a new fan b/c of my hanji video. I LOVE new fans. Then she asked me to explain my piece where I'm hanging from a football goalpost. That was much harder to explain in Korean than my messy dealings in love. I gave her a hanji book and made her a hanji bracelet on the spot. Seriously, it's just as good as being a magician.
I watched the goalpost performance... Cool! I went to high school about 50 mi. south of there. And is love ever NOT messy? Maybe that's part of what makes it good... we spend so much time as adults trying to order our lives... get 'em JUST SO... and you can't do that with love. I think.
Hmmm. Well, I THINK - don't quote me on this, it's via an unofficial study - that more people have experience with messy love then with performance art. I could be wrong. Or messy myself. :-).
i realized AS i was writing that that "messy" and "love" don't need to be in the same sentence since the first already exists in the definition of the second.
and, yes. i ALWAYS forget that performance art is MORE esoteric than i could ever imagine. me being on the inside.
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