I did tons of editing today on what I consider a quite hilarious video of me making hanji. It surprisingly was less painful then when I edited the first time around. Despite not being able to find mailing tubes to send hanji calendars to paper people back stateside and wasting an hour walking around the city trying to find a stationery store, I still got a lot done today. Of course, I found out tonight that it wasn't enough: apparently I have to do TWO midterm reports for Fulbright and I only did one. The best part is that the other can only be done on IE and I have a Mac. I hate when applications are only supported by a browser that not everyone has!
But that's besides the point. B/c I am still so happy, and it scares me. Tonight was fun - Frank did a great job presenting, and then I got to see lots of people at the reception and catch up w/fellow researchers. I even survived the climb up the hill back home, giddy, and tackled the remaining editing thanks to JL's card reader. I am starting to prep already admin-wise for my return in the summer, but at the same time prep for my interview w/a reporter of a local paper back home in NY in a couple days.
My papermaking teacher said that in Korea they calculate age/time in kilometers: life goes by at 20 km/hr in your 20s, 30 km/hr in yr 30s, and so on. I felt like I got a free ticket to the slow lane while I was in the country - time was truly suspended there - but now I'm back in the fast, fast lane.
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