Wednesday, November 05, 2008


To say, there really are no words for today. Of course, right before I saw the numbers pass 270, I got my absentee ballot in the mail. Late, but apt. I had just gotten out of the shower when Obama won, so I was alternately lotioning up and crying. I had gotten maybe five hours of sleep, and insisted that my sister keep the Skype video on so I could watch her house party (for my bro-in-law's bday/election).

For the first time since I arrived, I felt really far away from something momentous, and alone at a time when I wanted to be surrounded by people, people who could relate. I managed to do some more translation and my homework, but I really did not want to be doing this.

Thankfully, Melissa invited me to a gallery opening and then drinks and dinner w/other embassy people and Americans. For once, I really wanted to hang out w/Americans!! I met her husband, a New Zealand diplomat, and luckily we didn't stay long at the show since we needed some celebratory booze.

The "so wrong it's right" bar we hit was the Texas Bar, where I met a bunch of Canadian embassy people, American consultants, and amazingly enough, a fellow Obie!!! She walked in and I looked at her and said, "do I know you?" and she said yes. I should have asked Oberlin first but I asked NYC first (which was a match, too). Hilarious. She graduated a year after me. She just got to Korea on Sunday and is here for 6 weeks on business and then goes back to India, where she's now based. That was a special treat; the perfect person to meet on a day like this.

Meanwhile, I really have no idea if I'll survive the night or make it tomorrow, b/c this was what went down the hatch: gin & tonic, tequila, sweet Korean wine, beer, duck, and Chinese food. I am NOT a drinker, so I was wrecked as soon as the tequila hit (which was early), and then immediately befriended a fellow Korean American.

That's her, Hyesun, and Ian. She's been here for a year or more and he got here a couple months ago. Everyone I met tonight chose unexpected paths. We drank a lot, made a lot of noise, and talked about how much we cried alone today in front of computer monitors. About how we were all so proud, so beyond happy, and how on St. Obama Day, everyone is American (like how everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's). When she found out that we were American, a Canadian said to Melissa and me, "thank you." It was incredible to suddenly be free of the shame of being American. I got the sweetest email from Shawn in NYC, saying, "I hope your country has made you proud." That was the best.

We did briefly talk at the end of the night about the fear of assassination. I never thought I'd be this age to be part of this kind of history, and will be pissed as all hell if anyone tries to ruin it. But today, wow. I hope we're all ready for tomorrow.

1 comment:

elizabeth ross said...

queridísima dearest

congrs! colourful USA won!
we all hope, here in the South of the world, it will mean a good change for us too...yes, of course
at least...
at LEAST!!!!!