Saturday, March 28, 2015

Yay for these

Moving along with making cords, though you can only tell from the disappearing pile of strips. The growing pile of cords looks mostly the same (I know, doesn't help my case if I shoot from above).

Good news lately:

1. Cold but sunny (despite yesterday's snow)!

2. Steph's MFA thesis is up through today in Iowa and it's gorgeous, sensitive, stunning. So proud of her! She's off to Korea this summer to study the language in preparation for further research on Korean books/paper/printing. I've loved watching her grow and how dedicated she is to the process.

3. I donated a little knitted print to the annual benefit for the Center for Book Arts in NYC. I can't make it to the party but hopefully lots of people will attend! Here's the FB page for it; share away.

Happy weekend!

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