The rest of my Chicago time was packed to the hilt with excellent visits with old and new friends. I walked past my old building (the one on the left), where I saw the construction across the street that makes me thankful not to live there anymore. I spent a lot of time dodging dog poop, marveling at how warm it kept getting, and talking to people. This included a visit to Andrew Bae Gallery and a treatment with a past bodyworker. We had a great crowd for my talk, and then I got to dine with Shawn and Melissa until the restaurant closed.
Sarah pulled apart her bal teul prototype before I could photograph it but she did a great job! Wow. Very close to the Korean original (which is not even being made anymore by the last remaining maker of bal and teul). After breakfast yesterday with an old friend, I went over to Union Station to wait for the Megabus to Iowa City. I napped briefly twice before unloading for my fun trip to see Julie and Mike! Today we lunched with Tim and his students before heading to UI for my talk, which was such a luxury: rarely do I get to talk paper to paper folks (this means getting to skip lots of explanation for basic things and delve into explanation for more advanced things).
Afterwards, we went to visit Steph Rue's workspace where she is in the home stretch of completing her MFA thesis (her show opens very soon but I'll miss it). I'm laying here in bed, full from an excellent dinner with Iowa folks, and excited to finally see Julie's show tomorrow—the whole reason for my visit here!
Also, my only summer workshops this year will be at the Morgan in Cleveland (this lady is very tired of being a roadshow). They are finally live!
Hanji: June 20-21
4-day extravaganza with Velma: June 25-28
Sample books: July 18-19
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