Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I had a great video chat last night w/one of my oldest and most dear friends. Eric had recently gone through old stuff from growing up, and sent me our fourth grade class picture. I canNOT believe the pants I was wearing (I still am not quite sure how that happened, but suspect that my mother and I forgot that it was picture day. Or, maybe it's just how I will always dress, as seen in Korea). Don't ask what I'm wearing today, but don't be surprised to know that it clashes. I used to care SO MUCH about my wardrobe and now I wish I could wear a uniform every day.

Well, not really. Right now, I'm surrounded by uniforms, under a framed print of a very orange tabby cat, in an army base library. I'm still sorting out lots of things: paperwork, relationships, how long I will keep chewing this gum. In the meantime, I'm grateful for those who keep working and making beautiful things. Jean Betts was generous with her time and kindness, to me, a stranger. Since I can't afford to pay people for their expertise, I sent a mail present instead.

1 comment:

Velma Bolyard said...

i think hannah had those pants...on her first day of kindergarten she chose to wear a black shirt and black and white print pants...must have been 1990. and old friends who know us are definitely treasures.