Thursday, August 25, 2016

Another brief heat wave

 The kozo at Oberlin is doing so well! Even during this dry season.
The cast duck that Cassandra made for her Haystack glass casting class (and that I took home after the silent auction) had a bit of blue in the tip. The duck next to it is related.
Believe it or not, it has taken me at least three entire days to piece only a small portion of this coat together. There are still sleeves, flaps, epaulettes, and other pieces I've never had to deal with before to piece, but I will have to do some more persimmon fun to make sure I have enough paper to finish. In the meantime, I'm laying on the floor and wishing the cool weather would return.


Velma Bolyard said...

i suppose the heat could be worse: hot flashes. i LOVE the ducks paired. love them.

one small stitch said...

looking forward to seeing the coat finished, I love that little glass duck.