Thursday, January 08, 2015


Today was the class' field trip to Cleveland. The Morgan first, and then Zygote. Here is Liz doing her fabulous tour/demo.
Amazing how much you can do with just two dyes/colors. We also loaded a BIG pile of milkweed silks into the beater and I was pretty astounded by how much we had. It was SO MUCH, mostly because the most amazing Jane Hammond (she's the textile conservator at ICA) already harvested pods and MOSTLY de-seeded what looked like well over 100 pods.
The first batches of paper.
They seem perfectly fine working in this steamy shower room. But there was a valve leak somewhere close and tomorrow the water will be shut off for a while...we'll figure something out, I'm sure.
Inclusions! Always fun. Meanwhile, I am not really hanging in there all that well during this neverending illness. But it was great to see a bunch of printing friends at Zygote and to catch up, feel like maybe I am part of a community.

Here is an article about me and hanji in the Korea Times. Still trying to get my hands on the documentary on hanji that features me, which aired in Korea last week.

1 comment:

Velma Bolyard said...

i realize now that i had some sort of "bug" over break, am feeling more like myself, too. they are insidious, these low-grade monsters. glad about the cleveland day and happy students/teacher.