Thursday, March 20, 2014


From Tom's collection, a big beautiful burden basket. On Tuesday, I saw old baskets from Pam's grandmother, beautiful handles and so sturdy even after years of use. I saw gorgeous big gourds there, too, and then I did a double take when I was leaving the Chinese grocery the other day and saw a gaudy big statue of a man with a potbelly and a gourd strung around his waist.
I set out all the paper that the apprentices have been making for what I thought was going to be donor cultivation. But of course the meeting was postponed to next month, after I had set up this entire display. Sigh.
This is a drum full of plastic bags in the printshop where I teach. My students kept thinking it was a trash can so I had to throw a piece of wood on top, and then stacked phone books over that for good measure. It wasn't until today when I realized what it actually used to be! Amazing. If it was empty, I would have crawled in. These days, I'm barely making it through each set of 24 hours. Too much work! But once I get these writing deadlines out of the way, at least the glued to the computer part will feel slightly less onerous.

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