Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The load grows

[Gold: paper from the conference live auction; spirals from Velma, as well as the ecoprinted bag!] Now that the book is on sale, I have run out of excuses to not get onto social media (not really; I still hope I can avoid it though I know I'm deluding myself), send press releases, and cut a book trailer. But what feels more pressing are applications for the near and far future, to reach toward an always shifting life. And those require enormous sucks of time, energy, and faith. Plus, I am preparing for spring and summer teaching gigs, which would be easy if I taught the same thing each time, but I want to try new things. If I'm lucky, I'll finish one big packet of teaching materials, an interview for my book, and more application revisions by the end of the night. If not, then I start all over tomorrow (and fondle paper still strewn all over the floor, post conference, in between tasks).


Velma Bolyard said...

i wish i could tell you what kind of bone they are, but i KNOW you will put them to good use. please, not in your ears!

ronnie said...

o lovely spirals - and so fitting for thinking about social media (its such a swirly twirly world....)