Friday, May 01, 2009

We ate a lot (but did other things, too!)

Tam's almost veggie lunch today (LOVE the kool-aid).

The start of kimchi fried rice (the rice being underneath all the goodies). I was bummed that we had snacked so hardcore right before dinner b/c I couldn't eat as much as I usually would.


Noodles in soybean milk of sorts.

Dessert! Though it was a little cold for shaved ice tonight. My cousin went and complained b/c the rice cake was no good - it crumbled and fell apart in our mouths so they brought us more that was more like what it should have been.

Not quite sure why the city was totally covered in riot police today.

Tam had the brillz idea of getting this toy for my cousin's wife. She loved it. It's from the fruit line, but it's the secret one! A seedling.

Tam loves this section of Olive Young. The massagers actually work.

Tomorrow is the big day! Lanterns and festivities ALL over town. We hit two temples today and will likely hit the one right next to my home tomorrow. Go Buddha!

The colored ones are all over the place but I also like the white ones.

Today was crazy packed, as usual. It was the day of spending as much of Tam's wad as possible. We started with a skull & crossbones scarf right off the bus on the street and ended with sweet treats to bring back to her coworkers. In between was Olive Young, lunch, finding an amazing woodcarver and getting ducks and a mask, a bag for me, more green tea ice cream, visiting my hanji teacher's wife and buying paper, a natural dyeing exhibit at a temple where we got free lotus flower paper lanterns, a palace quickie, final shopping at Kyobo that included a bag for Tam, iced tea at a hot dog place, Jogyesa, a yarn shop, and overeating sweets. Then my my cousin, his wife, and their friend picked us up and took us to dinner, and then to a trendy hood for dessert. We got home early-ish and accomplished important but not always fun missions: Tam packed, I showered, and I did laundry. All with just minor sunburn.

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