Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Up and away

[By now, I'm sure the ceiling of the bindery at the Morgan is done. Even as I was leaving, most of the insulation was in place.] I'll be up in the sky again tomorrow, but at least once I land, I won't have to fly again for twelve weeks. Imagine that! I've put away my sketchbook, folded up my work table, and finally stored the heavy load of books, magazines, and other hard copy resources for my book. From here on out, all edits will have to be made without the luxury of consulting them! But hopefully in a few weeks, I will have sent my final version of the book away and then can get back to making art. For the first time in five years, I'm flying with my fiddle. Imagine that. I'm nervous, and the reunion won't happen until after I leave it with a violin shop for maintenance, but I'm hoping we both emerge rejuvenated.

1 comment:

Velma Bolyard said...

sweet, and oh, so grounded!