Monday, June 03, 2013

Early stages of grief

I'm still very sad about artwork that I mailed to a show that never arrived. It wouldn't feel this bad if it hadn't been my best AND my newest and my best work. So I've been holing up and making more things and trying to enjoy the new shipment of hanji from Korea, trying to tamp down the sadness by remembering what a conservator said to me: "You already had paper hands."


Anonymous said...

OMG - is there any chance it will show up? love the little basket and all the beads.

aimee said...

i don't know...i was told i shouldn't have trusted the postal system in a former soviet republic, and made other mistakes in shipping. there's still a chance it might be held at customs, but i've never had an international shipment take a month to arrive. the not knowing is worse!

i've been beading away, lots. the basket is kozo bark thread twined onto washi spokes, my sunday project!

Velma Bolyard said...

i am going to believe hard that it will show up. but, oh. how awful.
the new makings are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

--like Velma, I'm putting all my very best wishes into it showing up. keeping busy is the best comfort.

theorist said...

As someone who lives in a former Soviet Republic, I've definitely had shipments take a month to arrive. I recently had someone bring something to me from New York because I was nervous about sending something that precious through the mail. But sometimes shipping is the only option. I hope it works out for you!!!