Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I take it back and ramp back up

My eyes are too dry to cry but I wanted to - so proud of Ching-In! I just only finally noticed that her website was up and I'm SO EXCITED about her book coming out soon!

Today Ellie and I went to a class of actors and dancers and she taught and I translated and documented and fell in love w/the beauties. After tutoring, I thought I had myself together, but then I opened my inbox (oh, and got a ridiculous call during tutoring for another favor from a new person) and wanted to jump out the window. My life is officially TOO MUCH for me right now, and I am crawling through an onslaught of favors for other people. I mean, out of control. I asked Richard last night if there is a job that exists for people like me who bend over backwards for other people, and he said, yes, it's called an assistant. AAAGH. I don't want that job. He suggested I get one for myself. I'm starting to think it's a good idea...

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