Monday, August 19, 2013


Julie sent me this picture from my hanji class at the Morgan and it makes me laugh because it's SO how I feel right now. Leaning in, impatient, about to leap to the next thing. I'm going crazy waiting for an upload because I had hoped to be in the studio by now after taking my one day away. I forget that no one realizes how much artists/teachers are asked to do when proposing, planning, and preparing for classes. We are only paid for being present on the days that the activities occur. But I have spent DAYS on the computer, the phone, and in my head to conceive, apply (even when acceptance is implicit), and get confirmed for a conference gig next year. Those days go into the ether of Hey, So Glad People Work For Free!

Now, off to go work for free. But in a more joyful capacity.

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