Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cattail rendezvous

Claudio and I swapped farm photos; here I am with cattail that is clogging Sheila, the beater, out at George Jones Farm. Yesterday, I cooked my harvest. Today, I pull. Yesterday, we got an excellent reading of a temperature that means potentially a very real way for me to stay here and be compensated to do my work, my heart's and life's work. Today, still recovering from the news. As Velma said, I was afflicted with the vapors and had to stay in bed all night. Good news, Velma: I didn't fall out of bed! Jumped out this morning with renewed hopes.


Therese said...

oh boy....sounds like the magic is happening for you now, aimee ~
my heart is so happy for you. (lovely, lovely photo)

Velma Bolyard said...

YAY, as therese says, my heart is happy for you, too!

mjc said...

RAY HOO! And well-deserved.