Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One slow day

I got almost nothing done today, which was such a luxury. Julie and Velma separately advised me to take a walk, so I did. Perfect weather: sun, a little breeze, blue jays. I laughed today thinking about my Providence class when I did my quick cord-making demo. One student, who was a more scientific type, said to another, "It's like the DNA double helix." I'm not quite sure this would explain all of the twisting and plying of making cordage but it was a new way of thinking about it, and new perspectives are so vital when teaching the same thing over and over.

Only two slots left in my June 26-28 special 3-day workshop in Oregon! And I'll talk more about it later, but there are still a few spots left in my July 22-26 very special 5-day workshop at Women's Studio Workshop: not just everything you'd learn in the hanji manipulation class, but actual papermaking with eastern techniques PLUS using western fibers as well as traditional kozo (now that I think of it, we might as well add some Philippine gampi while we're at it). I'm terribly excited to have more time for these workshops; weekend intensives are great, but living and learning in the same place together is a real luxury!


Velma Bolyard said...

i so love it when people listen to me!

mjc said...

If anyone's reading this and trying to decide about the WSW class, I want to say that the Summer Arts Institute there is an absolutely stellar experience: small classes, fabulous equipment and unlimited access to it. SO much more than what happens in a weekend class!

(Though the instructors all need a Velma voice in their heads saying, "get some rest!")