Monday, May 13, 2013

Surprise honor

Jolted back to work life by the news today that Hanji Unfurled was given an honorable mention in the reference category of the Eric Hoffer Book Award! The US Review of Books published a nice blurb, which was gratifying. It always seems like a miracle to me when someone reads my book, understands what I wrote, and can summarize it intelligently. A welcome miracle for which I am Very Grateful.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I think it is very well deserved, the book is a pleasure to read.

aimee said...

thanks, Jean!

Therese said...

~ more congratulations, Aimee !
...a thoughtful review for your treasure of a book.
Thank you for all you are doing to share the beauty of hanji.

aimee said...

thank you, Therese! So kind of you, as always.

Velma Bolyard said...

huge congratulations, aimee!

aimee said...

thanks, Velma!! xo