Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Slow down, catch up, repeat

I had too much fun with this new bedhead series. This weekend, I was finally able to see my regular hairdresser, and she was mortified by what I had done to myself in Seattle and Portland. I learned a lot of lessons after getting two haircuts that were not right at all for my hair (unruly wavy like mine is hard to cut), like the consequences of acting impulsively on a bad hair day. She wasn't able to completely repair the damage; it will be a two-step process. Hopefully by the time I get to Cleveland, it will be sorted out. I don't even want to think about finding someone there to cut my hair, and panic when I think of being in Ohio when my best photographer is in NYC, best hairdresser in Jersey, and best dentist in Chicago.

Flickr has completely imploded but I still managed to upload pictures from my Cleveland trip, here!


TK said...

Cleveland is only, what, 8 hours from the dentist. I think that's worth it.

mjc said...

I absolutely LOVE that drawing! And can't wait to see the rest of this series. I mean, bark and unruly hair: two things I am truly intimate with!