Sunday, May 26, 2013

Long time coming

It shouldn't have taken almost a year but it did, because it went untouched most of the time. Not perfect, but I learned a lot. Too tight for my foot but I can slip it on. Wohoo!


Anonymous said...

amazing - absolutely wonderful. So, Cinderella will it become a pair??

Velma Bolyard said...

you DID it!!!!! wonderful, aimee, it looks great. you could do what the hikers used to do with their new leather boots: pour hot water into them, put them on, and wear them to break them in! (no, that's a joke, don't do that)

Unknown said...

서울국제도서전 코디네이터 김명수입니다.
아티스트북 특별전 관련 건으로 연락 바랍니다.
메일 주시면 자세한 내용 말씀드리겠습니다.
/ 작가님 홈페이지 메일주소로 메일 발송이 되지 않아 댓글을 남기오니, 이글은 확인 후 삭제 바랍니다.

acorn said...

It's finished! Yay! Gorgeous.