Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Pressing work

Everything feels urgent these days, especially now that I get close to some very big events that have to be well planned, yet all I would like to do is make more ducks. The new one is on the left, talking to the one born in Maine in June. How is it already two months later?
This beak is dahlia dyed rather than persimmon. I had intended to do the entire head that color but then I couldn't resist trying to make a pair, finally. No promises, though, because the body may turn out to say it needs to swim solo.
I like to keep this one close to my bed because it gives me so much comfort.
But it did contemplate a swim soon after all the marbling fun. I'm up to my eyeballs in everything, but like to think I'm getting a grip on things again after completely losing my perspective last week. Tomorrow we get back into the meat of things: maybe a haircut for the indigo, and the beginning of lots of kozo picking.


Velma Bolyard said...

your duck in the header is looking out, maybe north, towards the ocean where i saw whales and porpoises and puffins. i am so happy more ducks are being born, completely skipping eggdom.

Velma Bolyard said...


Velma Bolyard said...
